Canada launches A Temporary public policy For permanent residence for Recent post-secondary Graduates. The government of Canada launched on April 12, 2021, a Temporary public policy to facilitate the granting of permanent residence for foreign nationals in Canada, outside of Quebec, with a recent credential from a Canadian post-secondary institution. This public policy comes into effect on May 6, 2021, and will end on November 5, 2021. There is a cap of 40 000 Applications.
Under this Public Policy foreign nationals who recently graduated in Canada no earlier than January 2017 may be eligible to apply for Permanent Residence provided they meet the eligibility requirements.
Permanent residence for recent post-secondary Graduates what are the requirements?
To be eligible for permanent residence for recent post-secondary Graduates the foreign national must have:
- completed, prior to the date on which the application for permanent residence is received and no earlier than January 2017, a program of study at one of the following “Designated Learning Institutions” in Canada as defined in section 211.1 of the Regulations:
- a public post-secondary institution, such as a college, trade/technical school, university or in Quebec CEGEP
- a private post-secondary school in Quebec that operates under the same rules and regulations as public institutions in Quebec
- a private or public post-secondary institution in Quebec offering qualifying programs of 900 hours or longer leading to a diploma of vocational studies (DVS) or an attestation of vocational specialization (AVS)
- a Canadian private institution authorized by provincial statute to confer degrees under provincial law but only if the program of study completed was a degree as authorized by the province, which may not include all programs of study offered by the private institution.
- Have been granted one of the following credentials, following the completion of a program study from an eligible institution as defined in a):
- a degree (Associate, Bachelor’s, Master’s, or Doctorate) which must be a degree issued on completion of a program of at least 8 months in duration;
- a degree, diploma, certificate, or attestation issued on completion of a program of any duration leading to an occupation in a skilled trade (listed in Annex A); or
- one or more diploma/certificate/attestation where the following conditions are met:
- For diplomas/certificates/attestations, each program of study must be at least 8 months in duration and the combined length of the credential(s) must be equivalent to a two-year credential (at least 16 months in duration).
- For the DVS and AVS, each program of study must be at least 900 hours in duration and the combined program of study must be at least 1,800 hours in duration.
- When combining one AVS with one DVS, the length of the AVS may be less than 900 hours if the combined length is at least 1,800 hours.
- For greater clarity, each combined credential must meet the eligible program requirements as defined in a), including the completion no earlier than January 2017.
- Have been authorized by Law to study in Canada;
- Be employed in Canada with a valid permit or authorization to work pursuant to the Act and Regulations at the time the application for permanent residence is received and must not be self-employed;
- Have attained a level of proficiency of at least benchmark 5 in either official language for each of the four language skill areas, as set out in the Canadian Language Benchmarks or the Niveaux de compétence linguistique canadiens. The evaluation must be less than two (2) years old when the permanent residence application is received;
- Reside in Canada with valid temporary resident status (or be eligible to restore their status) and be physically present in Canada at the time the application for permanent residence is received and when the application is approved;
- Intend to reside in a province or territory other than Quebec;
- Have submitted an application for permanent residence using the forms required by the Government
- Not be inadmissible to Canada
For more information on the requirements for this Public Policy click here.
If you believe you are eligible or would like to know if you are eligible For permanent residence as a Recent post-secondary Graduate you may want to book a paid consultation to discuss your matter with us.
Please note that this should not be construed as Legal Advice. This is General Information and should not be acted on.